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Working as a vet in the UAE (Dubai)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an exciting and rapidly developing high-income country that was formed from the union of seven emirates in 1971. This luxurious country has been experiencing a significant increase in its population and a surge in new veterinary practices in the area. Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are, by far, the most interesting places to move to in the UAE in order to work as a vet. Here, we reveal the steps to begin your life changing adventure in the Middle East.

At VeterinaryTalent, we assist you throughout the entire process, from start to finish, in a 100% cost-free process for you

  1. Personal interview

    After registering with Veterinary Talent, we will schedule a phone or video conference interview with our UAE experienced vet Agata. During this interview, we will get to know each other better, address any questions you may have, explore the characteristics of the most suitable job positions for you, and discuss ways to enhance your employability. All of this is done without any commitment; we will never send your resume until we have spoken with you and you have authorised us to work on your behalf.

    Why is Veterinary Talent a free service?

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  2. Interview with prospective employer in UAE

    We will begin looking for jobs and arranging interviews for you. We will strive to arrange interviews for positions in clinics and hospitals that best match your profile, and where we believe you can continue to develop optimally. You can accept the one that seems most suitable to you. We will be happy to guide you if you wish, but the decision is entirely yours.

  3. Start the process to get licensed in the UAE

    When you choose the employer you would like to work for, you will need to begin the documents attestation process to apply for a Veterinary Licence. The process can stretch for over a year, however, there are cases where licences have been granted within three months. In any case, this is crucial to keep in mind if you're looking for a job in the UAE. If you are thinking about relocating to Dubai, prepare the documents and begin their attestation procedure as soon as possible. This will save both time and the expected challenges in the process, and will put you ahead of many other candidates on the selection process, as the employers will prefer to employ someone who has already started the process over someone who hasn't. You need to demonstrate at least 5 years´experience practising as a vet to be able to apply for the Full veterinary Licence in UAE, we will make a post about this.

    Veterinary License in UAE

  4. Signing a job offer

    Once your documents are translated and attested in your home country, it is time to sign the job offer with the employer. This is not a work contract yet, however it becomes legally binding once signed by both parties. (After signing a job offer the employer is not allowed to alter or replace any provisions of the offer letter unless such changes have the consent of both the employer and the employee.
    From this point, the employer will be guiding and assisting you in the process of obtaining the veterinary licence, work permit and residence visa.

  5. Veterinary Examination

    Once your higher diploma attestation becomes complete, your future employer will apply for the veterinary examination at MOCCAE (Ministry of Climate Change and Environment), and following that, for the veterinary licence for you. The examination will take place in Dubai, therefore you should already be in the country for some time.
    Our vet Agata will be very happy to share her insights and materials about this exam with you.
    Your veterinary licence will be issued only a few days after passing the exam.

  6. Starting a new life

    The employment contract will be based on the offer letter signed by both parties and must be submitted to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation within 14 days of your arrival in the UAE, based on the employment entry permit.
    Now you have everything ready to begin a new chapter and an exciting adventure in a very different part of the world. Don't forget that Veterinary Talent will be here for anything you need in this new stage of your life. We wish you all the best!

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Frequently Asked Questions UAE

Is there a demand for vets in the UAE?

There is a big demand for vets in the UAE, and western vets are, by far, the most requested.

Can my partner and/or children come with me?

Both employers and employees with valid UAE residence visas can sponsor residence visas for their families. Who will sponsor your family’s visas is to be discussed before signing the job offer. You will need to have a status of a resident yourself to apply for your dependants’ residence visas, and you will have 60 days to do so after they enter the UAE under an entry permit. It is likely that you might need to arrive on your own, and bring your family after a couple of weeks.

UAE Family Sponsorship

Residence VISA for family members

Is practising as a vet different in UAE compared to other European countries?

One of the main differences is that since there are fewer options for referral, vets, if they choose so, are constantly refining their skills and knowledge. That’s why the potential for professional growth and development here is truly boundless.

Will I have to treat unusual species and conditions?

Contrary to common expectation, a regular vet is unlikely to treat tigers, monkeys, falcons or other exotic animals. In UAE, dealing with such extraordinary creatures is typically limited to vets specialised and accustomed to handling exotic pets. However, vets might encounter some conditions, especially infectious diseases, that may be unusual or rare in their own countries.

I don´t speak arabic. Is that a problem?

English is widely accepted for communication. Understanding the nuances of dealing with clients from different cultures is beneficial.

Are the employment conditions good?

Fully licensed veterinary salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, qualifications, location or the specific role within the veterinary field (e.g., general practitioner, specialist). For veterinarians working in Dubai, the average annual salary can range from approximately 120,000 AED to 360,000 AED (30.000 to 90.000 euros) or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. Specialists or those with extensive experience may earn higher salaries. The entire income is tax free. There are other benefits, like accommodation or car allowance.

How does Veterinary Talent function?

After registering with Veterinary Talent, we will schedule an informal interview (either by phone or video conference) at one of the time slots you have indicated. During this interview, we will get to know each other better, address any questions you may have, and give you a thorough idea of the requirements, documentation needed, and nuances of working in the UAE. All of this is done without any commitment. If you decide that you want to move to the UAE ahead and trust Veterinary Talent to do so, we will help you with all the process.

Why is Veterinary Talent a free service?

Our comprehensive advisory service is entirely cost-free for veterinarians. Our business model mirrors that of other talent recruitment firms, sustained by the commissions paid to us by employers seeking our specialized expertise in conducting searches, selections, and providing guidance for veterinarians interested in working in the UAE. Additionally, we can help you negotiate the most favorable terms for you.

Mikel Arrese RECRUITER